Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre Inc. value your feedback as it is vital to ensure the service we provide meets your needs and is a safe and supportive environment.

    All fields are optional. Providing your contact details enables us to be able to contact you in response to your feedback.



    Phone number

    Which Zig Zag service(s) did you access?
    Housing serviceSexual assault serviceLibrary

    How did you find your interaction with Zig Zag staff?
    FriendlyNot friendly
    RespectfulNot respectful
    FlexibleNot flexible
    ApproachableNot approachable
    SupportiveNot supportive

    If not, why?

    What needs did Zig Zag meet for you?

    What needs has Zig Zag been unable to meet?

    Are there any other comments or suggestions for improvement to the service that you would like to make?

    Would you like a member of Zig Zag staff to contact you to discuss above issues?

    If so, please write down your name, contact number and the worker’s name you want to talk to