Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre Inc are deeply disappointed in the findings of the Queensland Law Reform Commission’s (QLRC) Review on the operation of Queensland’s laws regarding consent and the excuse of ‘mistake of fact’, and how it applies to rape and sexual assault in Criminal Justice Proceedings. The QLRC recommendations are limited and will not significantly strengthen laws or enhance access to justice for survivors of sexual violence in Queensland.
Zig Zag and other services have long called for the introduction of affirmative consent in legislation in Queensland as has been in operation successfully in other States for many years. Queensland continues to lag behind other States with its consent laws and ‘mistake of fact’ defence. The opportunity to make real and important change in response to survivor’s experiences within the Criminal Justice System is now.
We encourage all survivors and allies to take action and demand more from our Government. The Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy (RASARA) have started a letter writing campaign which you can view here: https://consent.good.do/rapereformqld/email-ag/?fbclid=IwAR1oMDcrK1vV9EXTnKhPF4syyJx5fSsRtWkUWsqSWp6kWNgVu29hINel0Ok
You can view the full QLRC Report here: https://www.qlrc.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/654958/qlrc-report-78-final-web.pdf
Please join us in taking action to stand with survivors of sexual violence!
#affirmativeconsent #reformqldconsentlaws