First Nations women’s resilience, strength and wisdom
The V.O.I.C.E.S (Videos Of Ideas, Collective Experiences and Stories) for Change Project [4] worked alongside young Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women and community members to develop age appropriate and culturally relevant digital and print resources that focus on First Nations women’s resilience, strength and wisdom. These are a series of sound bites by women yarning about the importance of accessing support, sharing experiences, connecting with culture and community that on First Nations young women’s strength.
This project was delivered from a strong community development framework, meaning that it was led and informed by the First Nations women themselves and through consistent engagement with First Nations Cultural Consultants, Yarraka Bayles and Nadine Foley from Culture Weave. The film was shot and produced by a creative team of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander media workers from Triple A ‘Vision Team’ who played a key role in guiding the creative process.
The young women who participated in this project learnt skills around weaving, built positive relationships with each other, shared their wisdom, knowledge and experiences and were also able to have fun in culturally safe, women’s only spaces provided throughout the different group sessions. Many of the young women who participated were young mums with small children, and these activities provided opportunity for women to have a break from their single parenting roles, yarn over wholesome food and meet with other young mothers with shared experiences.
The V.O.I.C.E.S project produced of a series of digital media resources promoting awareness and education around violence prevention in the community and the importance of connection to culture for First Nations young women. Resources included a short video and a series of 6 individual posters with key messages for young women, by young women. Plus a series of sound bites yarning about the importance of accessing support, sharing experiences and strengths and, connecting with culture and community.
We would like to acknowledge the courage shown by these young women in speaking up and speaking out on sexual, intimate partner and family violence.
The digital and print resources are easily accessed through our website or please contact us directly to discuss further distribution needs.
This project was
proudly funded by
Brisbane Lord Mayor’s
Charitable Trust.
Main Project Video
Sound Bite Videos
Yarns about the importance of accessing support, sharing experiences, connecting with culture and community that on First Nations young women’s strength.
The Posters
Key messages for young women, by young women.